Success! Ada Lovelace Day newsletter migration complete!
Plus Notes, Chat, and you should probably check your settings
I’m happy to say that the migration of the Ada Lovelace Day monthly and weekly newsletters to a new space on Substack is complete, and this will be the last housekeeping email on this topic. Hopefully!
Check your settings: New Profiles, Videos and Books & Podcasts sections
If you were an ALD Weekly newsletter subscriber, please pop along to the website and check your email notification settings. Due to an unfortunate snafu that I should have seen coming but didn’t, 35 of you have been subscribed only to the main ALD monthly newsletter and not to the weekly newsletters as well. You’ve been notified by email, and to fix things you will need to pop along to your settings and turn on these checkboxes so that the ones you want are green. This is how it looks on the website.
The same goes for everyone who was previously just a monthly newsletter subscriber. If you want any of the new stuff, or if you only want some of it, you can manage your options on your subscription management page.
If you use the Substack mobile app, then you can also control how you see our newsletter, whether you want it in email and the app, only in email, or if you want Substack’s smart notifications. There are full details on how to configure your notifications in this Substack help page.
Introducing Substack Chat
Substack Chat is a way for me to share content and chat with you semi-privately. Chat threads are visible to all ALD subscribers, but not to non-subscribers or the public. (They can be restricted to paying subscribers, but I have no plans to do that.)
Shortly after I send this email, I’ll start a chat and you will get a notification email for it (if you’ve not turned that off in settings!). When I start chats in future, I won’t send notifications emails, so this will be the only time you’ll get that notification.
I’m planning to use chats to share interesting papers, articles, discoveries or other things to do with women in STEM that you might find interesting, hopefully on a weekly basis. Please do pop in and say hi!
Join me on Substack Notes
Substack Notes is a way to talk publicly to me and to other Substack users. If you set up a Substack account, you will automatically see my Notes and can reply. And I hope that you do reply!
Notes can be seen by everyone on Substack and by the general public who have not subscribed, so it’s a bit like Twitter but much nicer and more relaxed.
Donation options
Our content will always remain free. The aim of Ada Lovelace Day is to raise the profile of women in STEM and we can’t do that if our profiles are behind a paywall!
That said, we do need financial support. The after-effects of the pandemic and the energy crisis are still having a huge impact on corporate sponsorship – last year, we nearly had to close because of a lack of funding. We need your help to make Ada Lovelace Day financially sustainable again so that we can do more to help women and girls in STEM.
If you can afford to, please donate. If just 250 people find £8 a month, we’ll have built a solid financial foundation from which to grow.
You can choose how much to pay using our discount codes, but please use these links and not the subscribe button, which will only give you the 50 percent discount.
ALD1 will reduce the subscription to £7.92 a month or £79.20 per year
ALD25 will reduce the subscription to £6 a month or £60 per year
ALD50 is the default and reduces the subscription to £4 a month or £40 per year
ALD75 will reduce the subscription to £2 a month or £20 per year
(In case you’re wondering, a quirk of Substack’s system means there’s no way to pay the full £8 once a discount is made the default!)
I am grateful for every penny, but I also understand if you don’t have the capacity to donate. Instead, please consider sharing our newsletters with your friends and colleagues and encouraging them to join us. The more, the merrier!
Finally, thank you for being a part of Ada Lovelace Day! I hope that this new community will flourish and grow and provide encouragement, inspiration and support to everyone interested in STEM.
All the best,