Looking Glass: Climate Solutions, Gemma Milne
How can physics help us address the climate crisis?
Looking Glass is a podcast from the Institute of Physics which looks at some of the most pressing challenges we face as a society and explores the ways in which physics can help address them. Now in its third series, it is focused on the crucial role physics must play if we are to navigate the climate crisis. Science journalist, podcaster and author Gemma Milne speaks with physicists and other scientists to discuss what hope science has to offer as we face the prospect of a rapidly warming planet.
Recent episodes covered:
How can physics help us to make our air cleaner?
Can the physics of how fire spreads help us stop wildfires? And can we use fire to our advantage?
How can physics help protect our soil, enable farmers to continue farming and allow communities to survive?
How can physics help keep water where we want it, and in a form we can access?
How is climate activism changing, and what role should physics and organisations such as the IOP play?
You can:
Follow on Twitter: @PhysicsNews @gemmamilne
Visit their website: iop.org/lookingglass